I collect both sides: the Austrian Imperial Army and the Hungarian Honvéd Army in 15 mm for 1848-49. These are the pictures of the figures I painted so far:
Hungarian Generals in 1848-49 - finished unit
One missing part of my Honvéd Army was the generall staff. I have painted three brigade commanders and a division commander.
The battle of Sárrét - battle report
Hungarian wargamers organized an annual historical wargame event called "Historikum". I have participated several times. This year - together with one of my hobbyst friends - we replayed the battle of Sárrét. The date of the battle was October 1601, so this autumn is the 420th anniversary. Even the battle was located near the city of Székesfehérvár - where the Historikum event was held. It was time for my slowly growing 28mm Ottoman Turkish army to undergo the baptism of fire, because most of its units were painted 3-4 years ago, but never been even in a single battle.

Generals of the Austrian Imperial Army
At first stage my plan is to set up a division level game for 1848-49. Obviously it means that I have to paint a Hungarian and an Austrian division. Both sides will have two infantry brigades and one cavalry brigade in their division. Therefore four generals are needed for each side to command such an army: one Feldmarschall-Lieutenant (division commander) and three Generalmajors (brigade commanders).
More Republican Romans
I managed to finish 48 Republican Roman legionaries so far. Only hastati and principes units for now. The next task is to paint velites and triarii for my legion.
New year - new project
After painting a lot of figures for my ongoing 1848 Hungarian War of Independence project, I started a completely new one in 2021. I have always been interested in the warfare of the Republican Roman legion so finally decided to reconstruct it in miniature.