
Late Napoleonic Prussians - New project announcement

 As a new wargame project I started to collect a Prussian Army for the late Napoleonic period (1813-15).

I always wanted to play Napoleonics. My favourite nation in this context is the Austrian because of their uniforms and the Hungarian relation of the whole topic. However playing Austrians in most rulesets is a nightmare because of the low command rating of their brigade and division commanders (which is the historically authentic representation of their incompetence by the way). Also Austrian battalions were quite big, so you have to paint at least 32 or 40 figures for a single infantry unit wich is really tiring. 

Because of these arguments my choice were the Prussians who were an innovative and developing fraction after 1807. There are a plenty of plastic sets for them. Afteir their military reforms they became a competitive opponent of the French who could manage to whitstand the French tactical superiority on the battlefield (not like the Austrians). Many units of the Prussian infantry were not regular line infantry, but reserve battalions or Landwehr. Painting the uniforms of these units is much easier then a colourful uniform of other nations from the period.

At first I painted a unit of the reserve infantry mentioned above. The figures are from Wargames Atlantic, which is a great set, but it is annoying that no command figures are included in it. Perry miniatures is an option, but ordering a metal command from a different webstore makes the cheap units from the Atlantic set expensive. I choose 3D printing to make command figures, but the only option was MC miniatures for this purpose. The printed figures differ from the Atlantic plastics because their hands, hads and shakos are nearly one and a half size bigger despite their hight is equal.

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